Tyre Tips

Check the pressure of all your tyres monthly, including your spare. Even if you don't see any damage, tyres can lose up to 1psi - pounds per square inch - every month.
Check your tyre pressure before making a long trip. For best results, check when the tyres are cool - before driving the vehicle or if it has covered less than 5km at low speed.
As most people don't have a tyre pressure gauge, if you think your tyres are under inflated, bring your vehicle in to a DUNLOP PNG Branch and have a professional check them for you.
Getting it right is important!
Under inflated or over inflated tyres can wear down faster than expected, have reduced grip and can consume more fuel. It takes just a few minutes a month to help ensure your safety and the longevity of your tyres.
Check your tyres tread depth, this can also be done at your local DUNLOP PNG Branch.
In order to effectively grip the road, evacuate water and maintain control, your tyres need to have a safe amount of remaining tread.
If the grooves in the tyre design have almost disappeared, the tyre will simply not grip the road as well.
This is particularly dangerous in wet or slippery conditions.
Plus if you drive with tyres under the legal tread limit, you may be fined.
You should check the wear of your tyres regularly. If your tyres are approaching the legal limit or if you have any doubts, get them checked at your local DUNLOP PNG Branch.
Tyre Pressure
Tread Depth

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